

Pattern release day is here again, and today Seven Skeins knitters will find some Whigmaleeries appearing in their inbox. What on earth are whigmaleeries? Well, as the Dictionary of the Scots Language puts it, a whigmaleerie is: “a decorative or fanciful object, a piece of ornamentation …a knick-knack, gew-gaw, bauble, fantastic contrivance, or contraption.” In other words, a whigmaleerie is a wee thingumajig, of the kind folk often like to hang on trees at this festive time of year.


As you can see, we made several whigmaleeries, and I think there may be several more in the pipeline as they are just so quick to whip up. . . I used an ovoid shape, familiar from the glass baubles of my childhood, and the mountain-inspired stitch pattern which also features on the Baffies and Pawkies. The whigmaleerie is worked bottom up, stuffed with roving before you reach the top, and finished with a hanging i-cord. They are quite pleasing objects, and I’m particularly pleased with how the mountain stitch pattern works with the four-fold symmetry of the object at top and bottom. Knit one and you’ll see just what I mean!


If you aren’t keen on stranded knitting, a striped version of the pattern is also available. I found the striped whigmaleerie to have a definite egg-like appearance which would make it appropriate for Spring.


But I have to say the stranded whigmaleerie is my favourite due to its unmistakably festive appearance. It just shouts WHIGMALEERIE!


In other news, the book has gone to press! If all goes well at the printers (and these things are never certain) we should be able to start shipping to club members before the end of the month, so all Seven Skeins knitters will receive their copies during the holiday season. The book will go on general sale as soon as the club copies have shipped, so not long to wait now. Did I mention we were very excited about it? Here’s a taste of what’s inside.


So, the book is done, and its definite hunkering weather here. I’m looking forward to a quiet couple of days with some tea and knitting.

Have a lovely weekend! x