Handywoman – preorder!

We are now preparing for the publication of my new book, Handywoman!

I’ve been working on this book (in between my other projects) for a couple of years now. I am more proud of, and happy about, completing this book than any other I’ve ever written. Probably the best way to understand what Handywoman is about is to watch my TEDX talk.

I’ll tell you more about the kinds of things I talk about in Handywoman in future posts, but I thought you’d like to know that we have now opened pre-orders for the book, which will ship as soon as it is published, in July. The special pre-order price of £15 includes shipping to any address worldwide, together with a complementary download of the newly-reissued Tortoise and Hare Gauntlets pattern.

Aesops fable of the tortoise and the hare assumed a singular importance for me as I learned how to manage the disabling effects of my stroke. In Handywoman, I talk about learning how to knit again, and the symbolic significance of these fairisle motifs.

Perhaps you might enjoy knitting your own tortoises and hares.

Handywoman is now available for preorder in the KDD shop!

Thanks, as always, to Fabulous Cat Papers for the beautiful embroidered brain which forms Handywoman’s cover image.