a proper bank holiday

We have been enjoying a proper Bank Holiday weekend with our friends Ivor and Rob.

Tom and Ivor ran the Kintyre half marathon . . .


. . . whose course involves a fine stretch along one of Scotland’s most fabulous beaches . . .

🎵Everyone hums Chariots of Fire theme tune 🎵

. . .and a run in the dunes . . .

. . . before a Campbeltown finish. Go Tom!

There aren’t many hills in Scotland with which Ivor is not familiar . . .

. . . but this was his first time visiting Davaar . . .

. . . .a fine spot to see the sun go down above Kintyre . . .

. . . before some Bank Holiday mill lade maintenance.

Although Rob is indeed ostentatiously reading my copy of How to Do Nothing while Tom and Ivor tackle the algae, he did not otherwise shirk Bank Holiday DIY and his design expertise really has been invaluable in my new library and workspace. Thanks Rob!

. . .and thank you Ivor for a proper May Bank Holiday weekend of good company and laughter.

all photographs in this post were taken by me and my phone, Tom being otherwise engaged