shades and swatches

Hello! I’m happy to say we’ve just about completed all our behind-the-scenes admin, and have been able to reopen the KDD online shop today.

Among the new things you’ll find there is our just-published 10 Years in the Making book (beautifully produced for us by Glasgow’s Bell & Bain), plus two brand new shades of Milarrochy Tweed.

The first of these is Backen‘ – a Scots term for late autumn, or the back end of the year, that I find almost as evocative as the rich shade that takes its name:

I recently featured Backen’ in my brand-new sample of Paper Dolls . . .

. . . and I love how this rich, warm shade works with cooler muted blue of Ardlui.

Muted is perhaps not a word you’d use in reference to our other brand-new shade, but that is no bad thing. For our new, non-muted shade is the glorious Foxglove – a rich, deep, saturated pink, enlivened with tweedy flecks and neps of many different hues.

Foxglove is fabulous all on its own

But it also works incredibly well with other shades in our Milarrochy Tweed palette.

Here, for example, is Foxglove alongside Hirst, Garth, Lochan, Ardlui, and Stockiemuir in the Strathendrick design . . .

And here it is lifting the warm tones of the Shieling . . .

. . . and Let Glasgow Flourish blanket designs.

We’ve now added Foxglove to the Strathendrick, Let Glasgow Flourish, and Shieling kits, and I’ve also created some brand-new colourwork accessory designs featuring our new shades, which I’m really looking forward to sharing with you in coming weeks.

Do you find colourwork swatches as satisfying as I do? I have a huge bag full of Milarrochy Tweed swatches, and poking about in there is like leafing through a book full of lovely shades and hues.

Perhaps I’ll ask Tom to take some more photographs, of more of my swatches. . . .

. . . so that I can share them here.