
Are you a beginner knitter who is wary of lace shawls? Does the very idea of putting holes in your knitting scare you? Or does a lace shawl just appear too complicated a thing for you to consider attempting?

Well, Footfall – the latest pattern release from Bold Beginner Knits – offers you a deceptively straightforward and thoroughly engaging introduction to the principles and techniques of top-down shawl knitting.

So what if you’ve never knit a shawl? If you can work simple yarnovers and decreases, you can certainly knit this shawl.

Like our other Bold Beginner Knits pieces, this pattern is designed specifically to combine visual appeal with ease of knitting. And just like Corryvreckan and Upstream, Footfall looks more complicated than it actually is.

If you feel you need more help, a range of clear tutorials for working yarnovers; understanding triangular shawl construction; working pattern repeats; garter-tab cast on; tinking back; binding off; and blocking lace are all linked directly from the pattern.

I’ll be back to add a couple of these tutorials over the next few days.

Footfall: a quick, striking, and wearable shawl that knitters of all abilities can enjoy!

Happy knitting!

Footfall kits in 10 shades of Àrd-Thìr
Footfall individual pattern download
Bold Beginner Knits preorder