
The West Highland Way club has begun!

. . . and the first club patterns to be released are the Craigallian mittens and hat.

These patterns commemorate the “fire that never went out”, once located near Craigallian Loch at the beginning of the West Highland Way, whose beacon burned throughout the year, whatever the weather.

The Craigallian fire served as a meeting place for the working people of Glasgow who gathered there in the1930s to discuss everything from the Spanish Civil War to Scotland’s emerging outdoor movement.

To these socialist fire-sitters and their friends we owe Scotland’s principles of open access which now allows the spectacular landscape of the West Highland Way to be enjoyed by so many walkers today.

The Craigallian hat and mittens form ideal small canvases on which to experiment with the rich and varied shades of my new yarn – Milarrochy Tweed.

The Craigallian patterns are currently exclusive to the club – so if you fancy knitting them, why not join us on our West Highland journey?

See you on the WHW!