patchwork scarf

check out my new scarf:


inspired by Ashley, Nora, and, of course, the Schmidt.

I love it! I do think that next time I try it, however, I should be a little braver in my colour choices. I began with a much larger palate of patterns in different reds and oranges – all of which looked great against the dark grey wool….but when I started laying the strips out it kept sort of resolving itself into quite a stark red and grey vibe. I think I also need to be braver in cutting slightly narrower strips. Still, the different textures and patterns are pleasing.


and, frankly, since so much of my winter wardrobe consists of red, grey, and black, it will get optimum use.

The wool is some great suiting from Mandors. You’ll note that I capitulated to the allure of Amy Butler with one of the accent patterns, but the others came from my mum’s lovely birthday fabric bundle. Actually, I think I may have subconsciously had my mum’s old school scarf in mind — one of those satisfying things in really good quality plain-weave wool — that I often used to enjoy wearing as a teenager. There is something about the drape, the weight and the vertical stripes of this finished scarf that’s quite reminiscent of it.
